Upcoming: Reed-Flute Series
“All knowledge has its origin in a reality beyond, transferring from the world without letters and sounds to the world of letters and sounds” – Rumi
This series of calligraphic works is based on ‘The Tale of the Reed-Flute,’ which is the first chapter of Rumi’s epic poem “The Masnavi”. In it Rumi presents a metaphor for the human soul’s longing to return to its origin and source in the Divine. In this calligraphic series, Ahmed offers a contemporary interpretation of the original Farsi verses of Rumi’s iconic poem. Her brush moves intuitively with the words while the flow of the water colour inks on paper matches the flow of Rumi’s poetry. This is not strictly traditional calligraphic script, but is rather interpreted in a more expressive modern fashion with bold gestures and striking colours.